Happy Monday everyone. We’re here to just provide a couple of updates surrounding the presale and NFT’s involved with the whitelisting. As of the morning of Feb.7, we currently have 85 members in the discord! We have started to grow, and everyone reading this article now is getting in early to an amazing project.
Our presale whitelist competition is LIVE! 10 invites into the discord server grants you whitelist access to Round 1 of the presale. We are also giving away a presale spot in the discord right now, with the possibility of more to come. The presale goes live on March 6, so you still have lots of time to get those invites in. Presale will run from March 6–10, or until the $FUNDS sells out, whichever comes first.
New website for our NFT’s! Currently, we are selling a limited supply of NFT’s on Metatrone, but the community has voted to stop selling additional NFT’s and wait for our own website to list them on. There are still a few NFT’s left on Metatrone if you want to secure a spot in the presale. For now, those will be the only NFT’s minted on Metatrone, if anything changes with regards to that we will update this article.
For quick updates about everything going on, this discord will always be the first place that we release information, so make sure you’re in there, and you’re inviting others to join! We are always looking for new ways to improve the project and the experience for our users, so do not hesitate to give us any feedback or suggestions. — Devs
Current Giveaways From FundsFi
Learn more FundsFi us:
Previous Article: https://medium.com/@FundsFi/fundsfi-presale-terms-are-here-whitelisting-requirements-fc798d85b284
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FundsFi
Discord: https://discord.gg/H47xrzSYsM
Telegram: https://t.me/+ICMCiOUkYb8zMzZh
Medium: https://medium.com/@FundsFi
FlipBoard: https://flipboard.com/@FundsFi
Docs: https://one-usd.gitbook.io/fundsfi-whitepaper/
GitHub: https://github.com/TheSpecialNoob/FundsFi-Contracts