Avalanche’s Community on DefiBlogs — A web3 blogging platform

2 min readSep 12, 2022


DefiBlogs Banner Image

DefiBlogs is a web3 blog2earn decentralized social media blogging platform currently on the AVAX C-Chain.

DefiBlogs Platform Image

You can blog right now at https://defiblogs.fundsfi.fund!

DefiBlogs X Avalanche

Avalanche x DefiBlogs

DefiBlogs is currently on Avalanche C-Chain and users mint their own $BLOG NFT as a blog. All blogs are uploaded uploaded are automatically uploaded onto the IPFS and stored forever! You truly own your content when you create content on DefiBlogs.

We will be partnering with a lot of projects on AVAX and doing lot’s collabs to get users on board!

Beta Tester Program — Currently on AVAX!

We currently have a beta tester program going right now just for Avalanche’s Community!
Learn More! (https://fundsfi.medium.com/beta-testers-program-for-avalanches-community-defiblogs-8fb0689cc701)

More To Come…

We’ll be going cross chain to 25+ EVM compatible chains in the next couple days!

DefiBlogs CrossChain Gif


Blog Now: https://defiblogs.fundsfi.fund
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DefiBlogs
Whitepaper: https://one-usd.gitbook.io/fundsfi-whitepaper/our-services/defi-blogs
Dapp Radar:
Crunch Base: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/defi-blogs
Hype Day: https://hype.day/p/defi-blogs
Contract Address: 0x636F8301a3E35247Bcd6069B97B20093f2aa791




Written by FundsFi

FundsFi Encouraging Innovation Everyday in the Defi Space.

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